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Timber and Iron: Gate Designs for Domestic Properties

Posted on 11/08/2017

As they mark an entrance point to your property, gates send a message. The message is encoded in the design of your gate. An old and worn gate tells the world one story. A smart new gate sends an entirely different message. When you have a gate hand-built for you by Norfolk Prestige Fencing, you can choose your design. Because we are carpenters, we are not limited by the sizes of pre-manufactured panels. Here are some designs to get you thinking.

Tongue-and-Groove Gate

Tongue-and-groove is a method of joining together planks of wood side-by-side to form a solid face with no gaps. The planks are then nailed to thick cross bars. One popular request is for us to soften the lines of a fence or wall by including a rounded arch gate comprised of planks joined by the tongue-and-groove method. This gate can then be stained to any colour that you desire.

Tongue and groove gate

Timber Gate

If you want a gate to match the close board style of your Norfolk Prestige Fencing fence, then an elegant timber gate will fit the bill. The framed lapped planks hang on sturdy hinges. A gap at the bottom of the gate ensures that it will not drag on the ground when opening and closing.

Timber gate

Iron Gate

Iron has played an important part in human history. The prehistoric ages are divided into three eras based on the dominant material that the tools were made from during that archaeological period. Iron is the most recent of these ages. The Iron Age in Britain lasted 800 years - until the Romans arrived 2 millennia ago. Iron didn’t disappear though. It is still a popular material and we regularly install iron gates for people’s homes.

Iron gate

Double Gate

For an elegant driveway with a wide entrance, you may want to consider double gates. This neat solution can be hung invitingly open or the two halves can be brought together so they meet and lock in the middle. If you are regularly using your gates whilst driving onto and off your property, then it is no problem for us to include an automated system that can be operated from a remote inside your car.   

Double timber gate

Whatever kind of gate design you want, call us for a free quote. You may be surprised to hear that it is often a similar price to have a fence or gate hand-built as it is to pay another firm to install a pre-fabricated gate. Call us on 07914840995 or fill out the form below.

What do you want from your gate? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

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